Take photos of a theatre venue and get paid 20,000 naira
We are glad to announce the Naija Theatre Photography competition. The goal is for us to fill up our theatre spaces page here with pictures of venues around Nigeria.
How will the competition work? Read the guidelines below carefully before sending us pictures.
Take photographs of a theatre venue or venues in your university
Send us these photographs via email to admin@naijatheatre.com
You must send at least 4 photographs of each venue and these must include (a photograph of the outside of the building and a wide angle photograph showing the inside of the venue and its capacity)
Please do not send pictures of places that are primarily lecture halls, we want pictures of venues dedicated to theatre
Your photographs can be taken with a phone camera or a digital camera, but they must be good quality and high resolution
You can edit before sending, but you must not over edit (too dark, too bright pictures will not be considered)
We will pay 20,000 Naira to each photographer whose pictures we select
When emailing us your pictures, you must include your most recent transcript as proof that you are a student of the school.
Also include in your email, the capacity (number of seats) and if the venue can be accessed by a wheelchair user.
If your picture is selected, the name on your bank account must match the name on the transcript you sent us
Once pictures from a school are selected, we will announce on our social media channels, after which we will no longer consider pictures from that school
Please name all pictures you are sending via email appropriately (e.g Outside entrance OAU theatre)
There is no deadline as at present as we aim to keep this open till we have pictures of all theatre spaces in Nigerian universities.